Publications and Activities
Common sense economics
A true people's economics is the one when people themselves choose goods, services, investments, and governance under conditions of open competition, free trade, personal responsibility, and social solidarity.
Resilience Plan after 1000 Days of War
Ukraine declares a course towards creating a socialist State Planning Agency under the flags of NATO and the EU without any hint of economic growth.
B-Ready 2024 instead of Doing Business
Is there a future in the new tool of the World Bank, in which several of the most economically powerful countries were "forgotten" to be included?
Economic Security
The orange level of the National Economic Security, in which Ukraine is currently located, is a natural result of many years of "activity" of the State. What prevents the rapid development of a country with such high potential?
The Country of No Freedom
Ukraine has never been so economically unfree in history: 150th place out of 165 countries in the Index of Economic Freedom-2024
Small business as an engine of progress: European lessons for Ukraine
A true portrait of the business in the European Union, where small enterprises make up 94%, provide 50% of jobs and generate 35% of added value
The debt web in which Ukraine trades is the work of Ukrainian politicians and officials. Is the country in danger of default?
The Price of the State is Half of the GDP
The regulatory burden reaches one third of the income of an American family. Analysis of calculation methods of the leading US Institutes. Lessons for Ukraine